Saturday, November 7, 2009


If a Christian needs his Bible to tell him what to do……….
…is he really a Christian?

Observation simply attests: people are incapable of trust. And trusting God is not so simple as strict adherence to [an arbitrarily accepted subjective interpretation of] a book—however holy or acclaimed, however stripped of substance, however abstracted into desultory systems of slogans. In fact, that faith may be just the opposite of true faith, for it conceals a deep hesitancy, a deep mistrust of any active impetus. Humanity hides in the finite, but it is the Spirit that gives life.

We have facilitated to the point of falsification.

If faith is the ticket, then the Church will be turned away.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Yes, an ash-absolved piano to my right; yes, a cheap coffee table in perfect leg-length, dense books abundant and the gray taste of hot tea on my tongue: I am alone. Here I sit before the well-worn throne of poverty’s wry wealth. Here I bow over the keyboard’s chattering sacrament, the shuffled alphabet’s silent song to chaos: after months of soul-suffocating misery, I am reborn. Give me your hand, friend, as I tread from the cobwebbed womb of staticity’s constriction. I will not look back.